July 17th - Blissful Day
Thanks Coach Qian for the video (Wednesday's Sanda Training)
It's days like this that I really enjoy this place. Good weather, painful stretching, good attitudes, and a relaxed feeling. Obviously, everyday couldn't be like this or else we'd never be able to truly appreciate these kinds of days. Even though meditation hasn't been helping me, my progress has been super slow, the rope dart is really hard, and many other smaller challenges.
Thanks Josh for the Photo (Today's Power Stretching)
This week my motivation has been lower which has made me a bit lazier. Now that I look back at the week I think that maybe I've been a bit hard on myself. I've reviewed the Spear Form throughout the week, learned some Rope Dart Basics, and gave it my all throughout classes. I've also realized what I need to focus on for next week. (Basic stances have gotten worse...)
Thanks Shilat for the Photo (Today's Power Stretching)
"Do you know who the most excellent monks at the Temple are?
No, who are they?
They are the ones sweeping the floor and cooking the food. They've been at the temple longer than most."
Our Shanghai tickets and visas are sorted out and Master Peng will be gone for the weekend. I think I'll try to work on my Sword and Spear forms this weekend in case one day I want to go to a performance or competition.
This great end to a week has made me think again about future Kung Fu Journeys. I know I will have to return home in order to save money but do I want to continue this pattern in the long run? Maybe there would be a way for me to make money while on my adventure like making games, photography, writing, or something.
How has your guys' week been? Do you all have any future plans?
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