December 9th - For the Future
Getting some more wisdom from Calvin and Hobbes.
I don't know what to write.
My attempts at making Chinese cuisine have been good and bad. I definitely can make sour hot noodles (酸辣粉), shredded potatoes (土豆丝), biang biang mian, and fried eggs with tomatoes (系红薯炒鸡蛋). The others like Mapuo Tofu (麻婆豆腐), Hong Shao Beef (红烧牛肉), Pickled Veggie Noodles (泡菜炒粉条), and spicy Chicken Potato (肌肉土豆盖饭) are hard to remember or I've failed at making them. All of it has taught me a lot about cooking with a wok. I'd say I'm still bad at cooking though. Luckily, my girlfriend can cook the things that I can't or we just both fail together.
Uneasiness still lies in the back of my head as I'm not sure if my flight home is certain. I'm also not sure what I'm going to do when I get back. Sure, I could easily say find a job, save money, and train but with the virus its all uncertain. Training I can always do on my own, with or without gear. It seems training is my anchor point that I can fall back on. In the end, this uneasiness will follow me until I am on the plane home.
Other than that, my mind has been thinking about picking up painting miniatures again (once I'm back in the states). I wrote up some cool ideas I have for continuing the past Skirmish Sangin game. Cheap multi-use terrain. Cool campaign/story ideas. All of that came flooding back. That, and I've found cheap but cool miniatures I'd be able to get. Considering the guys who made Skirmish Sangin are working on a new version of it, it might be the perfect time to bring these ideas to life.
Anyways, I wanted to give a more well written post about what is going on in this head of mine. Just more thinking.
Hope you're having a good week.
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