November 12th - Protein Powder Dreams

It must've been all of the workout videos and articles that I've been reading. My dreams were filled with me being a weight lifting coach last night. Then, there was the dream of me being stuck in some sort of dark maze. Which was odd.

Last night, I thought about how I got here. There was a point in time where I was going to move back to Missouri and live with some friends but that didn't happen. I remember another point in time where I was going to go to college and become a programmer. There were many points in time where I was going to join the military. Somehow, I've ended up in a small apartment in Shanghai lifting weights and reading Daoism books. 

How did I get here?

Well, the whole four years of this blog will certainly help tell how I've gotten here. 

Besides working out, I've also been reading Zhuang Zi Speaks which is a collection of parables. There is a lot of knowledge within this small little comic book. Right now I'm just reading the English but after I will use it to study Chinese.

That's all for my Thursday, time to go train!


  1. I prefer you being in Shanghai than the military. 😘 Mom

  2. I prefer you being in Shanghai than the military. 😘 Mom


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