Another Catchup Post!


I know I've been gone for a bit but I was out of town visiting my sister. I've also been without a phone or internet for a bit so that also prevented me posting. During this internet lull I have obtained many new things for my T'au army. My dad sent me a Kroot Rider and a Broadside battlesuit but while I was visiting my sister I went into a comic shop that were selling GW models for cheap so I bought a box of Fire Warriors and a box of Crisis Battle Suits. Now my Fue'gel T'au have an "armored" division to help them out in those tough battles and my Kroot have an extra bigger gun!

So I've thought of another idea to do with 15mm. Now wait, before you start shaking your head I understand I don't do all of my projects but these are ideas for me in the future. Plus, I have to paint all my T'au before I begin on another project so when once I've painted them all and played a few battles I'll decide which of these past ideas to do. Back to my idea.

I was always a fan of the video game "Homefront: The Revolution" and I've always liked movies like Red Dawn so upon my discovery of 15mm driving around the great Midwestern Countryside I toyed with the idea of bringing that idea of America being invaded to a war game. I've looked at miniatures already and found some that could be the KPA invading force and some that could be American resistance. It would be fun to recreate the area I live in or places I've lived in to create battlefields and the like. But that's my idea.

For my Vietnam Project I looked today for Charlie Company and sadly I couldn't find it and I couldn't find the 'Nam rules that my dad and I had made so I'll have to buy a different system or systems in order to use my 15mm Vietnam figures that I WILL be getting once I've painted the T'au army. I think I'll buy Ambush Valley and Grunt to use with my miniatures. I might also buy the game Recon but that might be later. I was thinking about Flames of War: Tour of Duty but I don't know if I want to get into that but maybe I will. I'm keeping my eyes out for other rulesets set during the Vietnam war so that I could see which one would be the "funnest" out of all of them to bring to my dad.

I've  been thinking about terrain for my Vietnam project and I think I'll try building some boards for this game. The boards would be 1'x1' or 2'x2'. 2'' thick pink foam would be glued onto MDF sheets and surrounded by either a MDF or Plastkard walls around the pink foam for if I make rivers into the boards it doesn't flow out the sides. Once the river dries the edge walls will be removed... maybe. Then i'd have to make various individual terrain pieces for mud, trails, trees, bushes, and more. This will be expensive if I decide to do it but then again... what isn't expensive? Instead of boards I could just use a game mat and then make the various terrain pieces which would reduce the time and cost by a lot and I might do that since making terrain boards would be another thing to have to ship over to china. A game mat is easier to ship.

Since I'll be using most of these figures and individual units for RPG games I might actually hold off on buying the USA old glory and buy some individual USA and the Old Glory VC/NVA. That way I have generic enemies and then unique figures to represent who is who on the USA side. Its a thought. I was also thinking about how to know who is who for the RPGs as when we played 'Nam we had anywhere from 4-25 individual characters under our control. Since we used paper we just wrote their name next to a circle. I was thinking of writing their name on the bottom of the washer base or even making a flag with their name stuck on the bottom of the base so it sticks out and you wouldn't have to look on the bottom to see who that miniature is.

Anyways i'm off to paint some T'au and as always...

Hope you're having a good day,


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