October 25th - Editing Videos

Practicing the Jian,

My last weekend at the Kung Fu School was spent working on videos. I was told on Friday that no one would be here besides me. So it has been a very quiet weekend. Being so quiet has given me the opportunity to really just focus on putting together my "Alone at Maling" video. Once I'm totally done with the video I will be posting it onto my Youtube. (Which has a couple videos on there already!) 

This weekend has made me realize I need to learn how to make some Chinese food. I've been eating various instant noodles, man tou, and eggs all weekend. In China, they are able to make so much with just a wok and a stove top. While I'm in Shanghai learning to cook Chinese dishes is going to be a goal.

Besides that, my mind just has been wondering. I am a little nervous about going to Shanghai because I'm not sure what I'm going to be doing there. Honestly, I wish I could continue training Kung Fu with others. Right now my eyes are on Qufu and Kunming to continue my training but I'm not sure how to get there due to money. The only choice seems to be to go home and save money then return which leads my mind down a rabbit hole of thoughts...

Four years of Kung Fu training seems fun. That would give me a "Bachelor's Degree" in Kung Fu, and now that I understand China more I could come home for the winters then head back in the Spring (Because training really slows down then and Chinese new year is pretty much one month long). That would be 3 months off every year to be in America, see friends and family. Possibly recover from injuries. If I didn't want to go home, then I'd head down to Thailand and go to Tiger Muay Thai or Absolute MMA to study mixed martial arts for a bit.

This begs the question, how do I get the money to live this kind of life?

Well... that is the rabbit hole.

Mind is like Alice in Wonderland, always jumping down rabbit holes.


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